DS and DH (in orange hat) went on another Wild GUYde Adventure with Lester Zook and a group of fellow homeschoolers. This time they explored Glade Cave in the northwestern corner of our county. A quick search online prior to the trip told me that no matter what the time of year or drought/non-drought status of the surrounding area, the cave is muddy and wet. This proved true.
After seeing the online photos snapped by other Glade Cave trippers, DS hoped they'd be able to make it to the lake room but I guess Lester considered it too long of a trek for this group of mostly first-time cavers. Plus, from some reports, after all the rain we've had this spring (wonderful after several years of drought) the water would have been up to the necks of many in the group. Maybe next time. Because I've been told several times since Monday, the day of this trip, that DS's ready to go caving again. Just as soon as we get the mud rinsed out of his clothes and shoes...
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